
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

13 Lessons Learned in 2013

13. Sometimes, all you need is a cheesy romance novel and a long nap. A lot of the times, we make our problems way more complicated than they need to be. Interestingly enough, their solutions are often simple. Life and its challenges can be exhausting. So when we’re exhausted, we should rest.


12. Imperfection is perfectly acceptable. I’ve lived my life with the notion that I’m superwoman. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I have faults. A lot of them, actually. But I’m no better or worse than anyone else on this planet. We all have things we’re great at and things we suck at. Just like a human body, however, all parts are needed for the creation of a functioning whole. I’m so glad I have people in my life who can help me in my weaker areas and vice versa.


11. Change is inevitable. But it isn’t always for the worse. Towards the end of this past school year, I had to let go of quite a few people and things that meant a lot to me. I thought that the world would come to a striking halt. Strangely enough, it did not. While I still miss some of the things I had to let go of, the earth continues to turn, and I continue to discover new blessings each day.


10. Never underestimate yourself or God’s plans for your life. This year, I’ve learned that I’m capable of a lot more than originally thought. Looking back, I honestly regret excluding myself from certain people or activities with a fear of not being “good enough.” You weren’t created to spend your life comparing yourself to other people. When you let God conform you into the person he created you to be, everything else pretty much falls into place.


9. Reading good books is a good thing to do. One of my resolutions for 2013 was to read 50+ books or other works of literature. I met that goal, and each thing I’ve read has changed me in some way or another. (With all that reading, you’d think I’d know an adjective other than ‘good.’ Maybe next year.)


8. Labels are stupid. People don’t fit in boxes. Much less boxes with neatly crafted labels.


7. A smile can be a very powerful thing. Sometimes I wonder if I freak people out with all my smiling. I probably do, but I can’t help it. If nothing else, I hope that my life demonstrates what pure joy looks like. So even when I’m really not as “fantastic” as I might profess to be, I can always find something to be happy about. Everyone needs a little more hope and a little less negativity.


6. When you get beneath the surface, most people have really beautiful stories. The best way to show a person you care about them is to listen to what they have to say.


5. Life requires discipline. I have to study to get good grades on tests. I have to eat healthy and exercise to stay in shape. Blog posts really aren’t as easy to write as I thought they would be. But is anything that comes easy really worth having?


4. Laughter is the best medicine. I probably shouldn’t confess that when I’m having a bad day I often sit in my room and laugh hysterically. It’s kind of embarrassing. But at the end of the day, life is pretty funny. (Note: The laughter treatment is even more effective when shared with the people you care about.)


3. It’s really important to let people know what they mean to you. Contrary to popular belief, it’s okay to be corny and sentimental in public. My absolute best memory of 2013 was passing out handwritten letters to the cast and crew of the school musical I participated in. I didn’t really know how everyone would take it. Fortunately, they were all quite touched- or they employed their best acting skills. In any case, studies show that those who express gratitude to those who mean a lot to them are more emotionally stable than those who don’t.


2. Hate added to hate doesn’t improve the hate situation. There are too many hateful people in the world. And that sucks. Unfortunately, hating hateful people doesn’t contribute to the solution. It only worsens the problem. God loves everyone equally, and so should we.


1. The kindness you put into the world will always come back to you in full. Even if the seeds of kindness you plant aren’t harvested before your eyes, there’s no better feeling than knowing they were planted. You never know how you’ll be used to touch someone else’s life, but that should never stop us from trying.


~ Here’s to 2014 and all the challenges and lessons it will bring. Happy New Year, everyone!

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